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One Cent Thief

 Exploring the Indonesian TV Series "One Cent Thief"




In this blog, we will delve into the details of the Indonesian TV series "One Cent Thief" that was released in 2022. The series has received an impressive rating of 7.6 out of 10 on IMDb, indicating its popularity among the audience. "One Cent Thief" not only showcases an engaging storyline but also presents technical aspects in a simplified manner for easy understanding. If you find this video transcript a bit challenging to comprehend, I recommend watching the video again to fully grasp the content. Now, let's proceed with our discussion on this captivating TV series.

The Opening Episode


The first episode begins with the protagonist, Iman, being seen lying on a hospital bed with closed eyes. Soon, the scene shifts, and we witness Iman entering a bank called "Bantek" with the intention of robbing it. After a few moments inside the bank, Iman swiftly attacks a security guard from behind, holding a knife to his throat. Following this, Iman takes out a machine gun and fires it in the air, causing panic among the bank staff and customers. Iman instructs everyone to get down on the ground, but a lady employee named Kak tries to discreetly press the alarm button, catching Iman's attention. He rushes towards Kak and aims the gun at her, preventing her from pressing the button. It is revealed that Iman and Kak already know each other, as Kak addresses him by name. At this moment, a security guard arrives and shoots at Iman. Iman jumps behind the counter to save himself. After a while, the firing stops as the guard was reloading his gun. Iman quickly gets up and points his machine gun at the guard but the scene abruptly shifts to a flashback, taking us back to the same bank where Iman was sitting at the cash counter. This reveals that Iman works as a teller in the same bank. We learn that Iman has been working in this bank for the past 2 years, handling cash, account openings, and drafts. However, despite his responsibilities, his salary is only 2,000,000 Indonesian Rupiah, which is not acceptable to him. An irate lady, who is also a bank employee, starts berating Iman for his low salary. Iman responds by stating that no bank is foolish enough to waste their time counting these coins. The bank manager, Mr. Ridz, arrives and the lady complains to him about Iman's behavior. Ridz scolds Iman and asks him to apologize to the lady, to which Iman reluctantly complies. It is evident that Iman and Kak share a history as they recognize each other from before. Just then, a security guard enters the scene and begins shooting at Iman. Iman jumps over the counter and manages to escape. The firing stops as the guard was preoccupied with reloading his gun. Iman quickly gets up and aims his machine gun at the entrance before the series takes us back to the bank, where Iman was sitting at the cash counter. This indicates that Iman is still working as a teller in the same bank. We learn that Iman has been working for the bank for the past 2 years, but he hasn't received a promotion yet. Despite being assigned tasks such as cash handling, account openings, and drafts, his salary remains stagnant at 2,000,000 Indonesian Rupiah. A lady, who is also an employee of the bank, starts speaking ill of Iman. Iman defends himself by stating that no bank would waste their time counting these coins. The bank manager, Mr. Ridz, arrives and complains to Iman about his behavior towards the lady. Iman feels hurt but still apologizes to the lady. However, Iman decides to apologize to the lady, despite feeling hurt. Later, we see Iman approaching a girl named Itan during his lunch break. Itan used to be his childhood friend and is now the head of cyber security at Bantek Bank. However, Itan's boss, Ms. Iron, is reprimanding her as the online banking server has been down for a few hours and Itan is unable to find a solution. Iron warns Itan that if she doesn't fix the problem soon, someone else will replace her. Itan enjoys spending time with Iman and seeks his help regarding the problem she is facing.

The Cybersecurity Challenge


Iman and Itan discuss the issue in his cabin. Iman explains that there might be a ransomware attack on the bank's server, as he knows a lot about hacking. He was expelled from college for frequently hacking the college server. After analyzing Itan's system, Iman realizes that the hacker has disguised the ransomware code as an ordinary file. He suggests activating the UPS (User Protection System) screen, which automatically removes any modifications made to the system at the end of the day. The hacker had also modified the ransomware code to appear as an ordinary file, assuming that nobody would pay attention to it. However, Iman understands this and activates the UPS, which deletes all the modifications made to the system. The hacker had modified the ransomware by disguising it as an ordinary file. With little time remaining, Iman removes the modifications quickly. He decrypts the encrypted ransomware and, within a few minutes, the entire system's data is restored, providing Itan with access to the system again. As soon as the ransomware is removed, the bank's portal automatically logs out, indicating that Iman successfully prevented the system from being hacked. Otherwise, he would have lost his job. After witnessing this, Itan is ecstatic and expresses her gratitude to Iman for saving the day. They both go to the terrace of the bank building and have lunch. In subsequent scenes, we see Iman returning home from the bank in the evening. However, he suddenly falls ill with stomach pain. He rushes to his flat, and upon entering, he notices several boxes but doesn't pay much attention to them. After relieving himself in the bathroom, Iman asks his father about the boxes. His father explains that those boxes contain black cumin pills, a medicine used for gastrointestinal issues and immune system support. Iman realizes that his father used the money he had given him for rent to purchase the medicine. Feeling guilty, Iman heads to his room after apologizing to his father. Later, Iman starts reflecting on how he was just like his father, hacking the college server during his college days. Due to his behavior, he was expelled from college. This flashback indicates that Iman possesses extensive knowledge about hacking. After some time, Iman turns on his laptop and begins calculating the expenses. He quickly realizes that he needs a total of 90 million Indonesian Rupiah to cover the hospital bill of 60 million and the borrowed money of 30 million. Iman checks the bank's inquiry, revealing that the bank has 9.5 million customers. Even if he deducts a penny from each account, no one would notice. This would result in Iman having 95,000 Rupiah deposited into his account. Since Iman had no other options, he decides to create a malware, disguising it as a simple file on his laptop. He names the file "Bantek Account Opening Application." Iman then calls the bank to take a day off for medical reasons, ensuring nobody suspects him. Following this, Iman generates a fake email using a fake email generator. He sends the bank an email with the file containing the malware, aiming to infect the bank's system. When the bank's staff opens the file, the malware spreads throughout the entire system, granting unauthorized access to the hacker. This is exactly what Iman anticipated, and he gains access to the bank's system from any location. This plan works flawlessly, and the manager checks his emails after arriving at the bank. Upon opening the email with the malware-infected file, the manager unknowingly infects the bank's system. Meanwhile, Iman is quietly observing the situation, having successfully planted the malware. Iman feels tempted to insult the old lady who had caused trouble at the bank earlier, but refrains from doing so as the manager is present. Iman secretly takes the passbook from the lady's hand and discovers that only one penny had been deducted from her account. This sparks an idea in Iman's mind, which he didn't think of earlier. After this incident, Iman returns home, feeling exhausted and defeated. He takes out the key from his pocket to open the door when he hears a noise from behind. When Iman turns, he is attacked by two men who quickly overpower him. They render Iman unconscious and take him away, leaving him seated on a chair. After some time, a man named Devan, the boss, arrives. He introduces himself as Iman's father's business partner and reveals that Iman's father had borrowed 300 million Indonesian Rupiah from him. Now, Devan demands the money back. Iman realizes that his father used the same coins that he had seen in the medicine boxes to repay the debt. Devan gives Iman two days to arrange the money, warning him that failure to do so will result in dire consequences.

Iman's Struggles


The next day, Iman arrives at the bank for work. However, he is in a state of extreme distress because he needs to pay the hospital bill of 60 million Indonesian Rupiah and return the borrowed money of 30 million Indonesian Rupiah to Devan. Iman encounters a co-worker named Aish, who also works at the bank. Other bank employees are present, but Aish is the one who engages in a conversation with Iman. Aish introduces himself to Iman and they briefly interact. Soon, the intern approaches Iman and asks him about his injury. Iman informs the intern about his accident and how he hit his head on a door. Due to the stress and injury, Iman's health is deteriorating. At this moment, an elderly lady who recently visited the bank to deposit numerous coins approaches Iman. She shows him her passbook and complains that her account balance has been decreasing by a few cents. Normally, such a small deduction wouldn't be noticed by anyone, but this elderly lady has come to the bank specifically to argue over a few cents. Iman is frustrated with her behavior but remains silent as the manager is also present. Taking advantage of the situation, Iman quietly takes the passbook from the lady and confirms that only one cent had been deducted. Iman is amazed that this idea didn't occur to him earlier. This incident leaves Iman feeling even more distressed. In the evening, Iman returns home with a heavy heart. He knows that hackers can easily attack any computer by sending an email containing a file or link. When the recipient opens the email, the system gets hacked, and the unauthorized hacker gains access to the computer. This fact is well-known to Iman. After he arrives home, Iman turns on his laptop and begins creating a malware known as a mailware, which can spread through an innocent-looking file. He hides the malware in a file named "Bantek Account Opening Application" and calls the bank to inform them about his medical leave for a day, ensuring nobody suspects his activities. Later, Iman generates a fake email using a fake email generator and sends it to the bank, attaching the file containing the malware. The bank staff unknowingly opens the file, infecting the system with the malware, which spreads throughout the entire network. Through this method, Iman gains access to the bank's system. Meanwhile, the bank manager checks his emails after arriving at work and unknowingly infects the bank's system by opening the email with the malware-infected file. Iman closely monitors the situation and successfully plants the malware. He then creates a fake email using a fake email generator, fooling the bank into opening the email and infecting the system with the malware. Hereafter, Iman feels helpless and defeated. He is aware that he cannot afford to pay the hospital bill of 60 million Indonesian Rupiah and return the borrowed money of 30 million Indonesian Rupiah to his father's business partner, Devan. Iman's head injury, coupled with the tension of his financial situation, takes a toll on his well-being. At the same time, the old lady who had caused trouble at the bank arrives. She had come to argue over a few cents deducted from her account. Iman cannot help but think about insulting her, but refrains from doing so as the bank manager is present. Iman secretly takes her passbook and discovers that only one cent was deducted from her account. This realization gives him an idea, which he hadn't thought of earlier. Struggling with his emotions, Iman returns home, feeling exhausted and defeated. He takes out the key to his apartment, but suddenly, he hears a noise from behind. When he turns around, he is attacked by two men who overpower him and render him unconscious. They take Iman away, leaving him seated on a chair.


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